Many men do not tend to admit that we have very erratic habits. I used to live with habits that did not support a healthy lifestyle. I tended to ask myself, why is my life not growing, why am I not successful, why can i not seem to get my breakthrough. A habit is a usual way of behaving or something that a person does regularly without much thought. For most of us we have spiritual habits, physical habits, cleanliness habits, and maybe a habit of checking our phone in the mornings (whether for business or to maybe browse the web). I am guilty of this myself, as well as before bed. I’m sure most of us men can relate. We may have habits of the certain music we listen to at the gym, or maybe even a certain routine we have when we get ready to work out.
I have a habit before i go running, to make sure I am stretched out, I make sure my audio book or podcast is going, and my airpods are charged up. When we are getting geared up to go for a training session, or getting ready for a busy day at the office. Our habits both good and bad, are what get us ready for the day or task ahead. I have habits when I get prepared to dive into the Word of God. In the morning, I get my Bible out, along with my notebook, I read, and then pray and meditate on what i have read that day. This practice is crucial to my day, whether physically or spiritually. If my routine in the morning is rushed while I am trying to spend time with the Lord, I don’t feel like my day has started on the right foot. Same thing when I do not stretch before a run or workout, I feel as though it takes me longer to get going. Point is, if we can consciously start our days in the presence of God the RIGHT way, with good habits and some practical thought out steps when can begin to strengthen our walk with God.
Here are some good habits to get into to help your spiritual growth:
- Read my Bible on lunch breaks
- Listen to worship music in my car
- Serving at my church on Sundays
- Start going to small groups to be around Godly men
- Praying by myself and with my family
When I began to implement some of these simple practices in my day to day life, I began to create a closer relationship to God. I do truly believe our relationship with God is what gets us through this life. If we do not have good daily habits in our spiritual walk. It will be easy for us to fall into the ways of the world. For the last few years of my life, becoming sober I owe it all to the Lord for changing how I felt about myself. I did have to however make a direct effort to correct my bad habits that ultimately got me no where in life. 1 Corinthians 16:13 tells us to “Stand firm in our faith.” Bad habits will take away our ability to stand firm, we will lose focus on what is important to our eternal life with Christ.