What makes many men pursue a sense of power?

Power is what makes us feel like we are important, like we matter, like we are successful. How do we turn that into using it for the Heavenly Kingdom?

Superheroes have many powers, you have the Hulk with his extraordinary strength. The Human Torch is one big ball of fire, Thor can conjure lighting bolts from the sky, Dr. Strange can throw one into a completely different universe. Just to name a few. There are so many superheroes with so many different extraordinary attributes, some of them don’t even seem possible to imagine. I know I always loved Spider-Man, flying through the city just shooting his web from rooftop to rooftop. Which is ironic, because I am terrified of heights.

There is a catch. Not every superhero wins. Not every superhero fights for the good guys. Unfortunately for those who are big Marvel and DC fans. None of it is reality, don’t get upset but it is a simple fact. A fact that we as regular human beings that bleed the same, need food and water the same, have feelings the same. We are not immortal, we cannot talk to animals, we cannot fly, and certainly do not have superhuman strength (although most of us try to or think we do).

We do however have something none of them have, we have of these superheroes have. There have the God who created the universe in our lives. Who gave his son Jesus to die for our sins, so we could have a relationship with him, and in turn we were given the Holy Spirit as a helper. That is way better then any super power I could possibly come up with in any fictional Hollywood script. Why is it that it is so special? Why is it that we can have something so powerful to help us get through life?

No we may not throw a car across a road to defeat a villain. We will however have the faith to be able to move mountains in our life as Jesus tells us. (Matthew 17:20). Everyone has visible and non-visible mountains in there life, and we cannot move things that big on our own. Jesus tell us in that same verse, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed you are able to tell a mountain to move and it will move. That is an incredible power we have at our finger tips. Better yet in our heart and soul. Through the death and ressurection of Jesus Christ, we now have the power to rely on God to do the work for us. Although we still need to have faith, and at some point put our hands to the plow. The Father of the universe is here to guide us.

Ephesians 6:13 is one of my favorite verses. The AMP version states to us when we put on the armor of God, we will SUCCESSFULLY resist and stand our ground on the evil day. The enemy has no new tricks, he will try to steal, kill, and destroy us, our family, our community, and nation. Its our job to have Faith when we put on Gods armor, we know that we are equipped to withstand any attacks the enemy may bring forth our way. Later it says “to stand firm [in your place, fully prepared, immovable, victorious].” Remember, we are on the winning team, God has the victory. The enemy can not take our eternal life with Jesus in heaven.

When we decide to dedicate our life to Jesus, have faith in what he did for us all. We are sinners, he was not. He was the definition of a perfect human. Yet he died a sinners death. When we take up our cross daily, and rely on Him to take over our hearts, and in our flesh put on the armors of God. We can change the course of our lives, our families lives, maybe even our community, and our nation. I am so thankful and blessed to be apart of His kingdom, and I hope you are as well.

May God bless you all!

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