Why is it our responsibility to practice physical discipline as men?
While the world is trying to demascluinize men, it is important to remember our duty to be accountable for our health and bodies. God gave us one body, and it is to be treated as a temple. Why would we not want to strengthen a temple that God built? I take it as a personal challenge everyday to try to sustain the body I was given. The real questions become what can working out do for me? Why is it that I need to lift weights, run, or do HIIT training? Here a few reasons why I believe working out or training can be beneficial to your life.
You grow in your ability to be uncomfortable
I believe the word challenge has gotten lost in our society. No one said working out was easy. In fact going to the gym or a yoga class for the first time can be very intimidating. You have to remember everyone is there for the same purpose. To be stronger and healthier. I remember my first time going to the gym after taking about 10 years off, I was out of shape and I felt everyone would be staring at the “new guy” in the gym. However I found many people encouraged me, pushed me, and were there to help me in my endeavors to become more physically fit.
It is a great way to release tension and stress
We all have many things going on in our day to day lives that sometimes we deal with. Most times we try to ignore the stresses that come about in our job, family, maybe even spiritually. We release endorphins when we engage in physical activities. This can increase our mood, and ultimately release some of our built up natural tension from stress we have built up. It also can allow the body to work together in better ways to help you have command over the function of your body. Better put you can now easily manage a single task one at a time. Putting yourself through physical exercises is a great way to prepare not just your mind but your body for the day or days ahead.
Enables you to develop the ability to overcome obstacles
Staying physically fit is to some a huge mountain to climb. Maybe you never have before. At one point you may have but due to circumstances in life you’ve stopped. Whatever the case I believe everyone has the mental fortitude to be able to push themselves past a limit. If you dedicate time, energy, resources into something especially that of a physical challenge. You inherently program your mind and body to be able to see a problem arise in life, and begin to break down what it is you need to do to get around that obstacle. I truly believe if you get over the fear of beginning, and start with the end in mind. You can start to allow yourself to tap into a deeper understanding of your own capabilities.
Don’t wait any longer, I hope these few things encourage you to maybe try to start something new but difficult. Nothing good ever came to those who sat on the sidelines watching others grow. Be an influence on your family, friends, and community. They will recognize the outcome, but you will be able to share your testimony on how you even got going in the first place. What it took to overcome the hardships and strongholds you had to even get there. I have faith in you, and cannot wait to hear back and see how you have done in your personal journey.