Why we need to know the Armor of God

In order to be effective in our faith in our everyday lives as men. We should know, and be putting on Gods Armor everyday. Ephesians 6:10-20 gives us the directions on how to do so. Its up to us to understand and put it to use in our lives.

The Belt of Truth

Ephesians 6:14 tells us to put on the belt of truth. I believe this is important for many reasons, if we do not know absolute truth. How can we begin to understand the ways the enemy will come after us. I think of a football player with the wristband of plays they need to know. Some quarterbacks wear the band on their waist attached to their belt. They do this so they always have a way to reference what play is next, or what play they need to call. We as Christian men should be doing the same thing. We need to know and to study our Bible, so we always have a play ready to call. Better yet a Word of God ready to tell ourselves or someone who needs it.

Also knowing truth and actually understanding it are different. Just because you know what a gym is. You know there are weights, machines, a locker room. That is much different then going into a gym, and interacting with the machines, and working out with weights. Actually getting your body in shape, you begin to have an understanding and a intimate relationship with the gym. Same with God, just knowing a verse of two from the Bible does not do enough. We must know his word intimately, and have it rooted deep within our hearts to truly know Him and His truth.

Breastplate of Righteousness

To be righteous is to truly obey God, and obey all his commandments. To live in a way that honors him. To me that would be protecting our heart. Its so easy for men to feel as though we are tough, and immovable in a sense for our families. In todays society being “overly” masculine, is seen as a bad thing. I do not believe this to be true, I believe we should work hard, provide for our families, protect those we love, be physically, and mentally strong. However, it is easy for us to cover up what hurts our hearts. With the breastplate, when we live true to Gods Word in our lives and do not let the enemy attack us when things get rough. We ultimately can protect ourselves with the righteousness of Jesus Christ who lives in us.

Shoes of Peace

Although Ephesians 6:15 does not exactly say the shoes of peace, he tells us to “have our feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace.” Simply put, let us walk in peace with Jesus. He is the light to our lives. No matter what may happen, no matter what circumstances we may face, no matter what decisions we have to come to. Jesus Christ is our savior, and he is the prince of peace. When we make the decision to walk with him, we are walking in peace. Peace knowing that we have eternal life with him, we are saved by his grace, peace knowing he will protect us, and that no enemy can defeat him. We have the victory walking with God.

The Shield of Faith

Arming ourselves with the shield of faith is protection. When a soldier back in early times, before they had guns and machinery to use violently. In Bible times, soldiers had shields. The used these to protect themselves, from arrows, flying objects, and swords from the enemy. In our walk with Christ we must use this to defend ourselves. Faith is believing in what you can’t see with what you can see. We can see the circumstances in our lives. We can see the financial struggle our world is going through. We can see the health issues arising all across our world. The confusion with ideas and beliefs everywhere.

If we intend to block off the enemy and defend ourselves against any attack he puts on our lives. We need to shield ourselves with faith. I think of Job, when he was continually being attacked by Satan. Although God allowed it to happen, He knew Job have unwavering faith in Him. He knew Job wouldn’t put his guard down. God only allows us to go through what we can handle. So have faith in Him for knowing, what you are going through, he can be there to get you though it all. Our faith is our shield.

The Helmet of Salvation

Our mind is a very complex part of the human body. We can force our bodies to do many things when we put our mind to it. Have you every pushed yourself through an intense workout. Maybe gone through treatment at the doctors you did not think you would get through. Possibly even some emotional periods of life you really had to mentally battle with. Well our helmet of salvation is our guide for our spiritual life.

Thanks to Jesus we have eternal life with him. In that our minds our to be protected from thoughts that come into our head that are not of God. Take your thoughts captive. Not as easy as said, but truly I believe if we can focus our efforts on Him, and try to always think of where we will all be one day. Our names written on the Book of Life. In Heaven with Jesus our savior. Our salvation, and what that truly means to you. We can get through and our mind can be protected from the enemy, and anything he may try to put into it.

Maybe you have felt like a failure, I know I have. Maybe you have not felt good enough, or qualified to be doing what it is God has called you to do. Maybe you struggle with anxiety, or self doubt, acceptance, or criticism when someone who loves you wants to make you better. I have felt all of these things, or better yet have allowed the enemy to turn my thoughts negatively on myself. Not knowing exactly who I was in Christ and what salvation really was. The gift that God himself gave us, I could not grasped. I hope this helps allow you to see God loves you and wants your mind at easy knowing you have salvation in Jesus Christ.

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